10. bis 14. Juli 2024
Konrad Alverdes and Klara Kobzeva in Tbilisi, Georgia

In this seminar we will explore the imprint our individual birth experience has on our lives. It shapes our body, is the base of determining assumptions about life and relationship, is our model how to master transitions in life. It can be an empowering resource. Sometimes difficult aspects of the birth call to be acknowledged. The experience is directly under the surface of daily life perceptions. It will present itself with awareness to body sensations present. When we touch patients, we also touch imprints of birth. This seminar will give access to different approaches to accompany this process. Not only can there be a release in the deep tissue patterns created in response to the forces of birth. By acknowledging the details of the past experience, we create possibilities for exploring an alternative reality with more resource and support, completing unfulfilled impulses.

  • Challenge and Restoration: How to find clear postures and appropriate support
  • Birth as transition
  • Acknowledgement of the individual birth stories
  • Phases of birth
  • Forces of birth
  • Determining the birth lie side, the impression of the maternal cervix on the cranium, playful simulation of the birth passage with doll and cloth pelvis
  • Accessing birth dynamics with handholds that offer contact to the ring of impression left by the cervix
  • Accompanying birth related processes
  • Variants in treating birth induced patterns
  • Meeting the impact of obstetric interventions
  • Supporting postnatal bonding 
  • Healing wounds of lostness

We will practice with each other. It is recommended to make present to yourself the available details around your birth. Course language is English with Russian translation. The content is mostly identical with the seminar Cranio 7 - Geburtsprägung.

Beginn ist Mittwoch um 10 Uhr. Die Kursgebühr beträgt 540 Euro.